Janmashtami stories
It was Janmashtami. I was preparing the bhog for our little Lord when my little one decided to stand and observe. After a while, she exclaimed. 'What are you doing Ma? You are tasting the food. And you should be fasting.' It was time to turn off the gas and give her some lessons. 'Gopal, the Lord is baby nono, right? He is the little baby of our family.' The daughter nodded her head in agreement. 'You and dadabhai (brother) are also my babies.' She nodded her little head once again. 'Everyday when I cook for you, I check the salt, sugar and the taste. So that you like and enjoy it. Right?' 'Yes ma.' Came her reply. 'So. I do..' 'You do the same.' She interrupted me. 'You taste the food to see everything is right and baby nono loves his food.' Right right. This time I had to agree with her. 'I am sure baby nonk will love the food, Ma.' She assures me. 'And now about fasting. Have I ever told you to fast during ...