It was the year 2002. My paternal grandmother had succumbed to cancer after a twenty-day-long fight. Baba appeared strong but we knew how much he missed her. Well, my grandmother had never preferred him. It was always her firstborn that she doted upon. My father, her younger son, was left to fend for himself. During her last days, my grandmother was ill-treated by the very son she had always favoured. Circumstances forced her to leave the house where she lived. My father, the usually quiet man, revealed his proper side when he took up cudgels to fight for his mother's rights. Grandmother spent the last three years of her life with my father in peace and comfort. That was the only solace for my father. But most evenings, after her death, we would observe him climbing up to the terrace and sitting quietly. He would probably think of his childhood, his parents and maybe, the agony thrust upon him. During those pensive moments, Ma would tell us to stay away and give him privacy. Lo...
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