If the Goddess Can Bleed, Why Can't I?

I woke up in dismay. My nightwear was soggy. The bed sheet was soaked red. I made it to the washroom hastily to clean up. My sleep was disturbed. The mood was spoilt. Irritated, I prepared tea and started my day early. Ma had woken up by then. Outside the sky had darkened. The soft cumulus clouds had changed color. They had thickened and had grown darker. Soon, the thunder roared and rain lashed down. My mother ran out from her bedroom exclaiming, “Borsha eshey geche, borsha eshey geche.” (Monsoon has arrived). She stood outside, stretching her hands out. Her face was dotted with the drops…her damp sari clung to her frail body but the happiness on her face was unmatched. I sat holding my cup guiltily wondering why couldn’t I rejoice! Ma shouted out to me. The lightning crackled. “Come here…get wet. The first of the showers is the best…best for your body. Come and get wet. Don’t think twice. ” “But Ma. I am down. My periods have started.” “So ...